All Form Function/Number One Labs products begin as clay prototypes, each sculpted by hand. Each design is tested and modified through a long trial and error period. Every model sold is completely handmade using the best materials available (100% Platinum Silicone) and thoroughly checked for quality and durability. The Number One Labs STP (Stand to Pee) devices have a powder soft finish and soft matte texture to reduce chafing and eliminate any tackiness.
The Model E is Number One Labs smallest Stand-to-Pee device. The Model E has a 3 inch shaft. The Model E has a smaller receptacle cup- measuring about 2.5 inches long by 1 inch across. Available in 2 colors (Light & Medium) and 2 styles (Cut [circumcised] & Uncut [uncircumcised]).
If you are looking for a slightly larger STP device see the Number One Labs Sport.
“My inspiration is my community; the trans community. Necessity is the mother of invention and being able to pee in a public bathroom is a necessity. The need for a functional durable realistic STP that can give trans folks a sense of security keeps me working on products.”
- Kit, Owner/Operator/Creator of Form Function & Number One Labs
Number One Labs STP’s come in additional colors & styles. If you wish to special order a specific color please contact us directly at 204-727-2446 or